Sunday, August 22, 2010

I, had, the tines of my life......

Yesterday we started did one of the "fun" activities of wedding planning, we registered for gifts! This is one of the most highly anticipated events in the process, I know this because since we signed up on and we have gotten at least one email a day from a retailer asking us to register with them. Some have offered us discounts, some just have kind words to say....but honestly I feel like we are being recruited to play football at a Division 1 school.

The actual process of registering for gifts was a good time, it combined the two things that we both love. Shopping, and playing with that zapper gadget that records your selections. I feel like with that zapper, this is how Captain Kirk must have registered for gifts as well (if he was not married to the Enterprise).

I heard from a bunch of people that registering for the diner pattern would be a battle between tastes (more on that to come), luckily I am smart enough to know that my fiance had tons more taste then me, and honestly the dinner ware I had been using for the last 15 years of my life was whatever togo container my food came in. I know that every plate is not made the same, but to me the differences were circle or square, white or red......did you know that there are over 40 different types of flatware sets? A fork is not just a fork anymore! They have names like Toronto (is that where the fork was invented?), Arctic (hmmmm, don't lick a cold spoon), Olympic (one gold, one silver, one bronze....alright I made that up). Go look for yourself.

When you see them all in person it is quite daunting, glimmering, shimmering flatware for as far as the eye can see......they say that if you can count all the tines on the table you will learn the name of god.

we did not actually register for any flatware or diner ware...not because of any disagreements but because they did not have anything we/she really liked. we did register for a bunch of other things.....that we both needed and did not need. We had a blast and I realized why......while you are doing this as part of the wedding process, it has nothing to do with the wedding. You are planning for your life. What plates do you want to eat off of twenty years form now, sure you may only need a two slice toaster now...but will there be a day you wish you had the capability to do four slices at once?

One last thing, before we were on our way to register for diner ware I mentioned it on my facebook status, I am now posting the conversation that came from boils down to "do what she tells you"...still my friends are funny and full of good advice

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