Thursday, August 19, 2010

GUSYA! The DJ experience so far

So far the planning is going well, we have most of the major "broad strokes" in place and honestly most of it is common sense. Is the location where you want it to be? do you like the food the caterer made? Does the photographer have two hands? etc....

The one part that is kind of difficult is the reception music. We have chosen a DJ, although I love bands I always feel kind of sorry for them if people are not dancing....just singing to people eating can't be fun.....for anyone, so a DJ it is.

How do you judge a DJ? Their website can tell you their "philosophy of dj'ing", they can talk to you on the phone and yes you to death, so how? someone suggested going to a wedding they are working at and listening to them.....but wouldn't that be odd? If someone I don't recognize is at my wedding I will most likely tackle them and make them spit out whatever food they are eating (we may have to make "whose who?" flashcards before the date to avoid this).

So we are meeting with some DJ's this weekend, as if that will tell us anything. In addition to looking at their music catalog, and their equipment, maybe I can make them sing?
All I know going into this is three things.
1) you need a must play list (songs I want to hear)
2) you need a must not play list (songs that make my ears bleed)
3) the DJ must make people GUSYA! (A term stolen from the lovely and talented Darbi means Get Up and Shake Your Ass!)

There will be dancing at my wedding regardless of the music......but just in case I am doubling the booze budget.

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